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World Prematurity Day

8 mins


  • When is World Prematurity Day? On the 17th of November, the whole world marks World Prematurity Day. It is one of the most important days in the year to help raise awareness of the challenges and burden of preterm birth globally. It was first celebrated in 2008, being initiated by the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI) and partnering European parent organisations1.

  • Why the 17th of November? It was on this day when one of the founding members of EFCNI became a proud father of a daughter, after having lost his triplets due to preterm birth. A new awareness day was born1.

  • The typical symbols of World Prematurity Day are the socks line and purple lightings. The purple colour in the visual identity stands for sensitivity and exceptionality1.

World Prematurity Day socks symbol

Preterm birth is truly a global occurrence. Every year, 5-18% of babies are born prematurely, resulting in an estimated 15 million preterm births per year2. Babies born prematurely face higher health risks, with physical and neurodevelopmental disabilities both short- and long-term. All of them require extensive, special care simply to remain alive, putting a heavy burden on their family, health services and economy3.

Nestlé is committed to helping preterm babies, their families, and their health care professionals through our continued investment in research and the development of state-of-the-art, clinically proven nutritional solutions tailored to their specific needs both in hospital and after discharge.

Join us in marking World Prematurity Day on 17th November 2023!

We thank you for your continuous quality care towards all premature babies and look forward to working together for a brighter future for them.

European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI)

The aim of EFCNI is to improve the situation of parents and newborn infants. The vision of EFCNI is to give every child the best start in life. Nestlé Nutrition is an exclusive global nutrition partner of EFCNI. This global partnership with EFCNI on WPD aims to further raise awareness of this cause.

For further information:

Alyson's story

Preterm birth from a parent’s perspective.

Other resources to support healthcare professionals in the care of preterm births

Our preterm hub has been created to provide you with information relating to the nutritional management of preterm infants, including webinars, infographics and articles, below you will find examples of each or visit our preterm hub here .

1. Watch on demand

World Prematurity Day 2021

Optimising intervention for the preterm babies.
Available to view on demand

Advances in preterm nutrition and care - webinars

Supporting world prematurity day with preterm education
Available to view on demand

3. Articles

  1. EFCNI Fact Sheet 2022_09_14_WPD_Factsheet.pdf (

  2. WHO Factsheet Preterm Birth, 19 February 2018 (Accessed July 2022:

  3. March of Dimes, et al. Born too soon: the global action report on preterm birth. Eds CP Howson, MC KinneyJE Lawn. WHO, Geneva, 2012